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Magnified Grass



Image by James Coleman

Sunday 9:30am-11:00am

We gather as a local church, claiming the promise of the Lord Jesus to be in our midst (Matthew 18:20). This meeting was introduced by the Lord before His death. He told His disciples to remember Him by partaking of bread and wine as symbols of His body and blood. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

Following the teaching of the Lord and the example of the Apostles we meet weekly to remember the Lord Jesus. This remembrance meeting includes worship and congregational singing. The meeting is open for men in church fellowship to stand and lead the congregation in praise and worship of Christ for His Person and work at the cross. 

Following taking of the bread and wine, by believers in the fellowship, a brief Bible message is given.


Announcements of future activities conclude the meeting.


Children Reading the Holy Bible

Sunday 11:30am-12noon

Our Sunday School is open to all children. 

Your children will find a warm welcome at our Sunday School. After a time of group singing the children are divided into classes and they are taught a broad range of stories and principles from the Bible. 

Sunday School offers a golden opportunity to inform and shape your child in their formative years to become what God would have them to be. 





Image by Aaron Burden

Sunday 11:30am-12noon

While Sunday School is on there is Bible teaching for the adults. The speaker presents a variety of doctrinal and practical themes designed to teach and encourage Biblical principles and values.


Misty Slopes

"Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried,

and that He rose again

the third day

according to the Scriptures"

1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Sunday 12noon-12:30pm

The Gospel that we preach is found in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.


At the Gospel Meeting two men speak from a variety of Bible texts. After a time of congregational singing they present a clear message about God's way of Salvation.

In this meeting we emphasize the Bible's call to repent from sin and personally accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. And since this is an individual matter, no "altar calls" are ever held. Personal conversation is always available should you desire. 


Image by Patrick Fore

Wednesday 7:30pm-8:45pm

The study of God's Word is essential for spiritual development and Christian growth. The Wednesday evening Bible studies provide such an atmosphere. The meeting includes a prayer meeting, which precedes the Bible study.

The Bible study is opened by an overview of the topic or chapter and followed with a detailed discussion by men in local church fellowship.

We are currently studying the book of Galatians. We will update where we are on a weekly basis (once we are allowed to meet again) at the Gospel Hall.

2 Thessalonians

We would like to invite you to all the meetings!

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